Educational survey 2018

To broaden the awareness and talent pool around IMF, the IMF UG is looking to encourage the creation of educational materials.

To better understand how you, your colleagues and your organization would like to learn more about IMF, we invite you to take the following 5-minute survey before April 10,

IMF UG 2018 Educational Survey

Looking forward to your input! Do not hesitate to forward the survey to your colleagues, partners and other interested parties.

How do I participate in the development of the IMF standards?

The IMF family of standards is developed by Technology Committee 35PM of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.

While published SMPTE specifications are available publicly, access to draft specifications and the ability to contribute directly to the development process is limited to members of the SMPTE Standards Community. See the FAQ.

Anyone can become a member of the SMPTE Standards Community by signing-up. Once signed-up, Technology Committee 35PM can be joined through its home page.

Welcome to the IMF UG

The HPA is pleased to announce the creation of a User Group for the Interoperable Master Format (IMF).

The IMF UG brings together content owners, service providers, retailers and equipment/software vendors to enhance and promote the use of IMF globally. The IMF UG will discuss technical operational issues that arise in practical implementation, conduct interoperability testing, develop best practices, and educate the industry on the use of IMF. In its initial UG meetings, IMF UG members will mutually agree upon specific goals and priorities, and establish timelines in which to accomplish these tasks.

The objective is to have quarterly meetings, with two meetings taking place in Europe and two in North America.

Join now!